ČSN EN 280-1   (275004) Pojízdné zdvihací pracovní plošiny - Část 1: Konstrukční výpočty - Kritéria stability - Konstrukce - Bezpečnost - Přezkoušení a zkoušky

  • Norma: ČSN EN 280-1   (275004)
  • Název: Pojízdné zdvihací pracovní plošiny - Část 1: Konstrukční výpočty - Kritéria stability - Konstrukce - Bezpečnost - Přezkoušení a zkoušky
  • Kategorie: 2750 - Pohyblivé plošiny
  • Katalogový kód:514931
  • Dostupnost:Tisk
  • Třídící znak:275004
  • Platnost:Norma není platná
  • Vydání:09/2022
  • Účinnost:10/2022 - 02/2023
  • Jazyk:Část nebo celá norma je v angličtině.
Norma byla nahrazena těmito normami: ČSN EN 280-1   (275004)

Anotace textu normy ČSN EN 280-1   (275004)

This document specifies safety requirements and measures for all types and sizes of Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP, see 3.1) intended to move persons to working positions where they are carrying out work from the work platform (WP) with the intention that persons are getting on and off the work platform only at access positions at ground level or on the chassis.

NOTE - Machines designed for the handling of goods which are equipped with work platforms as interchangeable equipment are regarded as MEWPs.

1.2 This document is applicable to the structural design calculations and stability criteria, construction, safety examinations and tests before MEWPs are first put into service. It identifies the hazards arising from the use of MEWPs and describes methods for the elimination or reduction of these hazards.

It does not cover the hazards arising from:

a) use in potentially explosive atmospheres,

b) work from the platform on external live electric systems,

c) use of compressed gases for load bearing components,

d) getting on and off the work platform at changing levels,

e) specific applications (e.g. railway, ships) covered by National or local regulations.

1.3 This document does not apply to:

a) machinery serving fixed landings (see e.g. EN 81 20:2020 and EN 81 50:2020, EN 12159:2012),

b) fire-fighting and fire rescue appliances (see e.g. EN 1777:2010),

c) unguided work cages suspended from lifting appliances (see e.g. EN 1808:2015),

d) elevating operator position on rail dependent storage and retrieval equipment (see EN 528:2021),

e) tail lifts (see EN 1756 1:2021 and EN 1756 2:2004+A1:2009),

f) mast climbing work platforms (see EN 1495:1997+A2:2009),

g) fairground equipment,

h) lifting tables (see EN 1570 1:2011+A1:2014 and EN 1570 2:2016),

i) aircraft ground support equipment (see e.g. EN 1915 1:2013 and EN 1915 2:2001+A1:2009),

j) elevating operator positions on industrial trucks (see EN ISO 3691 3:2016).

1.4 Classification:

MEWPs are divided into two main groups:

a) Group A: MEWPs where the vertical projection of the centre of the area of the platform in all platform configurations at the maximum chassis inclination specified by the manufacturer is always inside the tipping lines.

b) Group B: All other MEWPs.

Relating to travelling, MEWPs are divided into three types:

1) Type 1: Travelling is only allowed with the MEWP in its transport position,

2) Type 2: Travelling with lifted work platform is controlled from a point of control at the chassis,

3) Type 3: Travelling with lifted work platform is controlled from a point of control at the work platform.

NOTE - Type 2 and type 3 can be combined.


Zdroj: Česká Agentura pro Standardizaci (www.agentura-cas.cz) - smluvní partner

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