ČSN EN 15863   (838009) Charakterizace odpadů - Základní charakterizační zkouška chování při vyluhování - Dynamická vyluhovací zkouška monolitických odpadů s pravidelně se opakující obnovou výluhu za stanovených podmínek

  • Norma: ČSN EN 15863   (838009)
  • Název: Charakterizace odpadů - Základní charakterizační zkouška chování při vyluhování - Dynamická vyluhovací zkouška monolitických odpadů s pravidelně se opakující obnovou výluhu za stanovených podmínek
  • Kategorie: 8380 - Názvosloví odpadů
  • Katalogový kód:98115
  • Dostupnost:Tisk
  • Třídící znak:838009
  • Platnost:Norma není platná
  • Vydání:11/2015
  • Účinnost:12/2015 - 08/2017
  • Jazyk:Část nebo celá norma je v angličtině.
Norma byla nahrazena těmito normami: ČSN EN 15863   (838009)

Anotace textu normy ČSN EN 15863   (838009)

This European Standard is applicable for determining the leaching behaviour of monolithic wastes under dynamic conditions. The test is performed under fixed experimental conditions in this document. This test is aimed at determining the release as a function of time of inorganic constituents from a monolithic waste, when it is put into contact with an aqueous solution (leachant).

This dynamic monolithic leaching test (DMLT) is a parameter specific test as specified in EN 12920 and is therefore not aimed at simulating real situations. The application of this test method alone is not sufficient for the determination of the detailed leaching behaviour of a monolithic waste under specified conditions.

In the framework of EN 12920 and in combination with additional chemical information, the test results are used to identify the leaching mechanisms and their relative importance. The intrinsic properties can be used to predict the release of constituents at a given time frame, in order to assess the leaching behaviour of monolithic waste materials, placed in different situations or scenarios (including disposal and recycling scenarios).

The test method applies to regularly shaped test portions of monolithic wastes with minimum dimensions of 40 mm in all directions that are assumed to maintain their integrity over a time frame relevant for the considered scenario. The test method applies to test portions for which the geometric surface area can be determined with the help of simple geometric equations. The test method applies to low permeable monolithic materials.

Within the reproducibility ranges, the leaching results obtained with EN 15863 are expected to be equivalent to those obtained with CEN/TS 16637-2 (DMLT for construction products), because the main testing conditions are equalized in both standards. As shown in the results obtained with EN 15863 (see Annex E), they are also demonstrated to be comparable with US EPA method 1315 (SW846). These observations imply that a monolithic waste tested with this European Standard, does not need to be tested a second time, when the material proves suitable for beneficial use in construction and provided it has not undergone a treatment or other changes modifying its leaching behaviour.

NOTE 1 - If, in order to comply with the requirements of regular shape, the test portion is prepared by cutting or coring, then new surfaces are exposed which can lead to change(s) in leaching properties. On the other hand if the test portion is prepared by moulding, the surface will be dependent to the type of mould and the conditions of storage. If the intention is to evaluate the behaviour of the material core, the specimen needs to be stored without any contact with air to avoid carbonation.

NOTE 2 - For monolithic waste materials with a saturated hydraulic conductivity higher than 10E-8 m/s water is likely to percolate through the monolith rather than flow around. In such cases relating the release to the geometric surface can lead to misinterpretation. A percolation test is more appropriate then (e.g. CEN/TS 14405).This procedure may not be applicable to materials reacting with the leachant, leading for example to excessive gas emission or an excessive heat release.This document has been developed to determine the release of mainly inorganic constituents from wastes. It does not take into account the particular characteristics of organic constituents, nor the consequences of microbiological processes in organic degradable wastes.


Zdroj: Česká Agentura pro Standardizaci (www.agentura-cas.cz) - smluvní partner

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